Welcome to another episode of The Coach’s Circle Podcast!
Our show is all about showing you everything the world of coaching has to offer–what it is, what it isn’t, and whether it might be the right career choice for you.
Through our conversations with professionals in a variety of different mental health and wellness fields, you’ll gain valuable, real-world insight into their careers and consider how their experiences might impact your own career choices. Our interviews will feature coaches, therapists, counselors, personal trainers, and other professionals who incorporate coaching into their practices. Our hope is that these varied perspectives will help you come to understand exactly the type of coach you were meant to be.
Today’s special guest is Sonjachardé Mixon. She is a life coach and the founder of Sôl Wellness Coaching in Atlanta, Georgia.
Topics Covered:
- A journey through Sonjachardé’s personal background and how it led her to coaching
- Some of the common expectations Sonjachardé’s clients put on themselves that can hold them back
- Making the transition from employee to entrepreneur and the challenges that brought on
- Why it’s important to gauge how much savings you’ll need before making the jump to entrepreneurship
Notable Quote
“I’m really big on identifying for yourself what your life should be, what your goals should be, what your standards should be, and not what society places on us. […] That’s what led me to coaching: wanting women, especially women of color, to know that you don’t have to fit the mold that society tells you you should fit. […] For me, it’s not so much about being super professional and sterile and rigid [with clients]. It’s more about how I can help you cultivate the version of yourself that you want to be.”
Learn More
Website: portcounseling.com/sonjacharde-mixon
Facebook: facebook.com/solwellnesscoaching
Instagram: instagram.com/sol.lifecoach
Phone: (404) 514-2674
Email: [email protected]
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